Ave Explores

Everyday Faith for Everyday Catholics

About the show

A project of Ave Maria Press, Ave Explores helps you discover and learn about aspects of the Catholic faith from a variety of different angles, looking at topics relevant to the spiritual life in a fresh, engaging, and practical way.

Ave Explores on social media


  • How the Mass Converted a Family with Amber Casey

    June 1st, 2022  |  Season 16  |  47 mins 6 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
  • The Latin Mass and Novus Ordo with Fr. Tim Grumbach

    May 27th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  59 mins 44 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    During the pandemic, Fr. Tim Grumbach, a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, learned how to say the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, also known at the Latin Mass. He reflects on how saying both the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo--the Mass most Catholics participate in today--enhanced his appreciation for the liturgy and helped him become a better priest.

  • Cultural Experiences in Mass with Fr. Ajani Gibson

    May 25th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  58 mins 7 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    Fr. Ajani Gibson, a newly ordained priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, discusses how culture can permeate the liturgy in beautiful ways. He says that when we make space for cultural expression in the Mass we elevate our worship and the body of Christ becomes more united.

  • Overcoming Distractions During Mass with Shannon Wimp Schmidt

    May 20th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  38 mins 32 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    Have you ever been distracted by the many sights and sounds at Mass? Shannon Wimp Schmidt, a mother who also has more than a decade of experience in youth and parish ministry, says you can overcome distractions by building holy habits and engaging in contemplative prayer.

  • How the Laity Can Prepare for Mass with Fr. Joshua Whitfield

    May 18th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  44 mins 30 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    Fr. Joshua Whitfield, pastor of St. Rita Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas, provides practical tips for preparing for Mass. He also discusses his conversion from the Anglican Church to Catholicism.

  • How the Eucharist Grounds Us with Timothy P. O'Malley

    May 13th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  45 mins 49 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    Theologian Timothy P. O'Malley provides an overview of the USCCB's Eucharistic Revival and discusses how the Mass should not only be integral to the life of the parish, but also in our everyday lives.

  • What is the Mass? with Susan M. Timoney

    May 11th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  43 mins 40 secs
    amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran

    In this episode, theologian Susan M. Timoney discusses the history and structure of the Mass. She will help you understand why worship at the altar is the most essential form of prayer for believers.

  • Why the Mass Matters with Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P.

    May 4th, 2022  |  Season 16  |  40 mins 53 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, fr. patrick mary briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, op, why the mass matters

    Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP, says the Mass is important because it is there that we stand at the foot of the Cross and are transformed. It's also the place where we meet in community with fellow Catholics.

  • Easter Sunday with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

    April 17th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  22 mins 22 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, concludes her Restore reflections for Lent and offers practical ways to fully enter into the celebration of the Easter season.

  • Faith, Hope, and Love for the Ukrainian Catholic Church with The Very Reverend Mark Morozowich

    April 11th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  54 mins 6 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, ave spotlight, chenele shaw, katie prejean mcgrady, prayers for peace, the ukrainian church, the very reverend mark morozowich

    The Very Reverend Mark Morozowich joins Katie Prejean McGrady and Chenele Shaw, in a special crossover episode of Ave Explores and Ave Spotlight, to discuss the war in Ukraine and provide historical and spiritual context to the conflict, tell the stories of resilient and holy Ukrainian Catholics, and offer insights into how to pray and fast for peace.

  • Healing in Holy Week with Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ

    April 10th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  32 mins 29 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. joe laramie, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, sj, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, explains that when we seek healing in Christ, the Holy Week liturgies of Palm Sunday, the Triduum, and Easter show us the transformation of suffering and the redemption of the Resurrection.

  • Forgiveness Heals All Wounds

    April 2nd, 2022  |  Season 15  |  41 mins 36 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Heather and Jake Khym discuss the Week Five theme of Restore, the journey of forgiveness. The Khyms share their personal story of healing and practical insights on forgiveness, as well as what it means to be open to the miracle of God's restoration of our hearts and minds.

  • Generosity can be Restorative with Michelle Benzinger

    March 27th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  36 mins 59 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Michelle Benzinger, cohost of the popular Abiding _Together podcast, talks about almsgiving as an opportunity to be generous and grateful. She also discusses how you can find restoration when you give your time, treasure, and presence.

  • Gently Rooting Out Sin

    March 19th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  38 mins 13 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, csfn, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, restore, root out sin, sin, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, joins Katie this week to talk about sin. Sr. Josephine explains that while sin is the cause of much of our woundedness, we should remember that we weren't created to sin but to be sons and daughters of Christ. Rather than being hyper-focused on sin, we should look for God's healing through prayer and the sacraments.

  • The Freedom Found in Uncovering Wounds with Bob Schuchts

    March 13th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  33 mins 36 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center and author of the bestselling Be Healed, discusses the Week Two theme of Restore, freedom of heart. He explains why healing and the work of identifying wounds are both difficult and fruitful, leading to a joy that can only come from Jesus. Schuchts says when we explore our wounds, we are doing the work of restoration; when we're willing to do that work, the Lord heals us and gives us the freedom to live life to the fullest.

  • Entering into the Desert with Fr. John Burns

    March 6th, 2022  |  Season 15  |  38 mins 20 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. john burns, heather khym, jake khym, katie prejean mcgrady, lent journal, michelle benzinger, restore, solt, sr. josephine garrett, sr. miriam james heidland

    Fr. John Burns examines the Week One theme of Restore, the desert. He discusses how the wilderness of the desert is a place where healing can begin and where restoration is found.