Ave Explores
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
224 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.
Faith Alive in Rome with Mountain Butorac
March 19th, 2021 | Season 9 | 28 mins 5 secs
The Catholic Traveler Mountain Butorac discusses the vibrancy of parish communities in Rome and how pilgrimages help people grow deeper in their faith and understand the beauty of the universal Church.
Pilgrims in Ireland with James and Catherine McLoughlin
March 17th, 2021 | Season 9 | 48 mins 37 secs
James and Catherine McLoughlin have lived and worked in England, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland. They discuss Catholicism in each country, explain how faith comes alive on pilgrimages, in small groups, and through acts of service, and look ahead to the future of the Church in the United Kingdom.
The Church in Haiti with Sean Forrest
March 12th, 2021 | Season 9 | 24 mins 32 secs
Sean Forrest, founder of Haiti180, discusses his international mission that serves the impoverished of Port Au Prince. Forrest, who travels to Haiti frequently to work with missionaries and operate an orphanage, says Catholicism is an anchor in the Haitian culture.
From Kenya to Rome with Samuel Maina
March 10th, 2021 | Season 9 | 24 mins 23 secs
Samuel Maina, a seminarian in the Diocese of Nyeri in Kenya, shares his vocation journey and how his love of the Church in Africa and the vibrancy of the African culture in worship, community, and study led him to discern the priesthood.
The Vibrant Youth of India with Percival Holt
March 5th, 2021 | Season 9 | 43 mins 54 secs
Percival Holt, former president of the Youth Council of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, discusses the vibrant Church in India, especially within youth and young adult ministry. Having traveled throughout India advancing the youth worker movement, Holt also explains the diversity within Indian Catholicism, where liturgical worship is an expression of local regions and communities.
A Faithful Fight for the Environment with Joe Moeno-Kolio
March 3rd, 2021 | Season 9 | 34 mins 37 secs
Joe Moeno-Kolio, a climate change advocate in Samoa, discusses how the Catholic faith is thriving in the South Pacific, especially in small village communities that are grounded in family life. Moeno-Kolio also explains how working to fight climate change, and care for God's creation is critical work for every Christian.
The Universal Church Close Up with Brenda Noriega
February 26th, 2021 | Season 9 | 38 mins 54 secs
Brenda Noriega reverted to Catholicism when she moved to the United States from Mexico. She discusses how to end division and create unity and build community within our local parishes and throughout the world.
This Church is Your Church with J.D. Flynn
February 24th, 2021 | Season 9 | 45 mins 47 secs
J.D. Flynn, cofounder and editor-in-chief of Pillar Catholic, discusses how the Church in America is responding to divisions caused by the sex abuse crisis, opposition to Pope Francis, politics, and online forums.
The Church Down Under with Malcolm Hart
February 19th, 2021 | Season 9 | 38 mins 21 secs
Malcolm Hart, director of the Center for Evangelization for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, discusses how the Church in Australia is addressing increased secularization and rejection of the faith.
The Universal Church with Cardinal Napier, O.F.M.
February 17th, 2021 | Season 9 | 55 mins 12 secs
Cardinal Wilfred Fox Napier, O.F.M., archbishop of Durban in South Africa, discusses the Church's global diversity, which is rooted in love of Jesus Christ. Napier, who went to seminary in Ireland, also talks about the early days of his priesthood during apartheid in South Africa and eventually voting in the conclaves that elected Popes Benedict XVI and Francis.