Ave Explores

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

233 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.

  • The New Renaissance with Anthony D'Ambrosio

    May 6th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  35 mins 32 secs
    anthony d'ambrosio, architecture, art, ave maria press, catholic, catholic creatives, catholicism, design, faith, katie prejean mcgrady, sherwood fellows

    Art and creativity are the driving forces behind Anthony D’Ambrosio’s writing and his consulting business. The poet and designer is the cofounder of Catholic Creatives, an international community of artists who want to bring about a new renaissance of beauty within the Church. D’Ambrosio believes even if they don’t realize it, all people are creative and pursue creative work.

  • Faith in the Magic Kingdom with Fabiola Garza

    April 29th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  22 mins 23 secs
    animation, architecture, art, ave maria press, catholic, disney, fabiola garza, katie prejean mcgrady, magic kingdom

    Fabiola Garza, author of The Boy Who Would be Pope and an artist for Disney, shares how her Catholic faith influences her work. Garza shares how her identity as a Catholic gives life to all she does, both professionally and personally.

  • The Soul of the Artist with Christine Valters Paintner

    April 24th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  27 mins 42 secs
    architecture, art, artists, artists way, ave explores, ave maria press, catholicism, christine paintner, katie prejean mcgrady

    Christine Valters Paintner is a Catholic author and online abbess at the Abbey for the Arts, a virtual monastery offering classes and resources on contemplative practice and creative expression. She explains how we are called to see ourselves as artists in the world, not because we have marketable talents, but because the Lord is inviting us to create. Paintner explores how God surprises us with art in every form.

  • Art Draws Us In with Liz Lev

    April 22nd, 2020  |  Season 4  |  29 mins 53 secs
    architecture, art, art history, ave maria press, catholicism, katie prejean mcgrady, liz lev, rome

    Elizabeth Lev, an art historian, author, tour guide, and college professor living in Rome, shares how art—especially the art of the Church—is the ultimate path to understanding what we believe and helps us see the continuity of the faith throughout history. Lev explains how art ultimately invites us to be drawn into its beauty and to contemplation of the divine.

  • The Stuff of our Faith with Mike Aquilina

    April 15th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  31 mins 20 secs
    architecture, art, ave maria press, catholicism, history, katie prejean mcgrady, mike aquilina

    Mike Aquilina, bestselling and award-winning author of A History of the Church in 100 Objects, relates how Catholics are a sacramental people, and objects such as the chains of St. Peter and the dome of the basilica named for him are significant to our understanding of faith. Aquilina also shares how ancient locations central to Christianity’s early development have helped him grow his love for the Lord.

  • The Way of Beauty with Andrew Petiprin

    April 8th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  36 mins 8 secs
    andrew petiprin, ave explores, ave maria press, katie prejean mcgrady, way of beauty, word on fire

    Andrew Petiprin, fellow of popular culture at the Word on Fire Institute, explains how beauty and Catholic art and architecture can lead us to a deeper faith and understanding of the truth. A convert to Catholicism, Petiprin shares his conversion story, highlighting how the way of beauty ultimately led him to Catholicism and a life committed to evangelization through art, music, film, and pop culture.