Ave Explores

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

233 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.

  • You Deserve to Be Healed with Heather Khym

    October 26th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  46 mins 11 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Heather Khym, author of Abide and cohost of the Abiding Together podcast, shares her story of healing and her journey to understand God's love for her. Khym explains why all of us are called to and deserve, an abundant and healed life in Christ.

  • Jesus Heals the Whole Person with Jackie Mulligan of Reform Wellness

    October 26th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  31 mins 40 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Jackie Mulligan, CEO of Reform Wellness, says healing only happens when we know Jesus, rely on him, and allow him to heal us. We come to be healed through this relationship with Jesus.

  • Wounds Can Be a Teacher with Leticia Ochoa Adams

    October 19th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  47 mins 37 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Leticia Ochoa Adams, author of Our Lady of Hot Messes discusses her experience with childhood trauma and her grief following her son's death by suicide. She offers practical ways to engage with struggle, learn from wounds, and help others as they travel the same road.

  • Creating a Sanctuary of Healing with Jennifer Hubbard

    October 19th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  49 mins 18 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Jennifer Hubbard discusses how she found healing, peace, and new purpose after losing daughter, Catherine, in the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012.

  • Identifying as a Beloved Daughter with Rachael Killackey

    October 12th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  44 mins 43 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Rachael Killackey, founder and executive director of Magdala Ministries, discusses pornography addiction by women. Killackey says that naming wounds and identifying the source of trauma can lead to deeper healing and awareness of your identity as a beloved daughter of God.

  • Healing from Addiction with Scott Weeman

    October 12th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  39 mins 21 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Scott Weeman, executive director of Catholic in Recovery, discusses how twelve-step programs and the Sacraments work together to help people heal from addiction.

  • Healing Restores Others with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

    October 5th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  48 mins 11 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, says that when we work to restore ourselves to healing we can begin to help heal the world in which we live. Our personal healing can be transformative for others as well.

  • Be Vulnerable in Healing with Roy Petitfils

    October 5th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  41 mins 59 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic in recovery, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, jackie mulligan, jennifer hubbard, katie prejean mcgrady, regina boyd, roy petitfils. rachael killackey, sacraments, scott weeman, sr. josephine garrett

    Roy Petitfils, a licensed professional counselor, discusses how healing occurs when we recognize that we've become disconnected from ourselves and others, and then work to restore those connections by acknowledging our wounds, leaning into our faith, and being vulnerable, especially with ourselves.

  • Healing Leads to Joy with Fr. Sean Kilcawley

    September 28th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  52 mins 27 secs
    catholic faith, catholic podcast, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, katie prejean mcgrady

    Fr. Sean Kilcawley, director of the Office of Family Life in the Diocese of Lincoln, explains that healing is the process of allowing Jesus to look upon us with love and acceptance. He says that when we allow Jesus to love us, we are able to live a life of abundant joy.

  • Healing is Rooted in Hope with Regina Boyd

    September 28th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  34 mins 47 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, catholic faith, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, healing in christ, katie prejean mcgrady, regina boyd

    Licensed mental health counselor Regina Boyd explains that healing is rooted in hope and a desire to recover and experience resurrection. She said women especially seek answers to questions about worthiness and acceptance, and when they find answers, discover the hope found in healing.

  • The Transformation of Healing with Bob Schuchts

    September 21st, 2022  |  Season 17  |  38 mins 46 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bob schuchts, csfn, fr. rob galea, fr. sean kilcawley, healing, heather khym, katie prejean mcgrady, rachael killackey, regina boyd, roy petitfils, sr. josephine garrett

    Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, discusses his journey of healing and the transforming graces of the sacraments as he sought to repair wounds in his life. Schuchts also talks about initial steps toward healing your heart and mind.

  • Jesus Leads Us to Healing with Fr. Rob Galea

    September 14th, 2022  |  Season 17  |  40 mins 7 secs
    and spirit, ave explores, ave maria press, healing of the body, healing the whole person, healing through the sacraments, katie prejean mcgrady, mind

    Fr. Rob Galea discusses his inspiring story of healing, an ongoing journey that has included not only moments of great despair but also profound hope. Galea said that healing must be rooted in love of Jesus and a desire to know him more.