Ave Explores

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

233 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.

  • The Holy Family with The Bulmans

    December 17th, 2022  |  Season 18  |  38 mins 28 secs
    abiding together podcast, ave explorees, avemariapress, behold, fr. josh johnson, jason and rachel bulman, katie prejean mcgrady, michelle benzinger, solt, sr. miriam james heidland

    Rachel and Jason Bulman, contributors to Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, discuss cultivating holiness, prayerfulness, and humility in a family. The couple also talks about how your healing journey can be essential to growing in holiness as a family.

  • The Child Jesus with Michelle Benzinger

    December 10th, 2022  |  Season 18  |  31 mins 19 secs
    abiding together podcast, ave explorees, avemariapress, behold, fr. josh johnson, jason and rachel bulman, katie prejean mcgrady, michelle benzinger, solt, sr. miriam james heidland

    Michelle Benzinger, cohost of the Abiding Together podcast, explores how childlike wonder is a source of joy and healing during Advent. Michelle says that as we contemplate the infant Jesus, we are brought into the beauty and simplicity of the incarnation. She also shares her own family's growing sense of delight in God's creation and in one another.

  • Joseph as Protector with Fr. Josh Johnson

    December 3rd, 2022  |  Season 18  |  42 mins 37 secs
    advent, advent journal, ave explores, ave maria press, behold, fr. josh johnson, jason and rachel bulman, katie prejean mcgrady, michelle benzinger, solt, sr. miriam james heidland

    Fr. Josh Johnson, host of the podcast Ask Fr. Josh, reflects on the essential role of fathers in families and in the Church. He also discusses how fathers--through their role as protectors and shepherds--can inspire and transform a family.

  • Mary as Healer with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

    November 26th, 2022  |  Season 18  |  26 mins 30 secs
    advent 2022, advent journal, ave explores, ave maria press, behold, katie prejean mcgrady, solt, sr. miriam james heidland

    Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, introduces the theme of each week of her Advent reflection journal, Behold. She also explains how allowing ourselves to gaze at God--and inviting God into our lives--is the most fruitful way to begin the Advent season.