Ave Explores
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
233 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.
Preparing for the Mass with Mark Hart
June 8th, 2022 | Season 16 | 31 mins 24 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Mark Hart discusses how being open and prepared for Mass—even in the midst of our busy lives—allows us to fully experience the fruits of the Eucharist and to understand the gift of the Mass.
The Mass as a Weekend Experience with Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran
June 3rd, 2022 | Season 16 | 33 mins 18 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran—coauthors of the bestselling Rebuilt—discuss how the culture of their parish was transformed when they began to focus on Mass as a weekend experience that begins in the parking lot and culminates in the celebration of the liturgy. The two also share how they help families engage in worship.
How the Mass Converted a Family with Amber Casey
June 1st, 2022 | Season 16 | 47 mins 6 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
The Latin Mass and Novus Ordo with Fr. Tim Grumbach
May 27th, 2022 | Season 16 | 59 mins 44 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
During the pandemic, Fr. Tim Grumbach, a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, learned how to say the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, also known at the Latin Mass. He reflects on how saying both the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo--the Mass most Catholics participate in today--enhanced his appreciation for the liturgy and helped him become a better priest.
Cultural Experiences in Mass with Fr. Ajani Gibson
May 25th, 2022 | Season 16 | 58 mins 7 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Fr. Ajani Gibson, a newly ordained priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, discusses how culture can permeate the liturgy in beautiful ways. He says that when we make space for cultural expression in the Mass we elevate our worship and the body of Christ becomes more united.
Overcoming Distractions During Mass with Shannon Wimp Schmidt
May 20th, 2022 | Season 16 | 38 mins 32 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Have you ever been distracted by the many sights and sounds at Mass? Shannon Wimp Schmidt, a mother who also has more than a decade of experience in youth and parish ministry, says you can overcome distractions by building holy habits and engaging in contemplative prayer.
How the Laity Can Prepare for Mass with Fr. Joshua Whitfield
May 18th, 2022 | Season 16 | 44 mins 30 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Fr. Joshua Whitfield, pastor of St. Rita Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas, provides practical tips for preparing for Mass. He also discusses his conversion from the Anglican Church to Catholicism.
How the Eucharist Grounds Us with Timothy P. O'Malley
May 13th, 2022 | Season 16 | 45 mins 49 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
Theologian Timothy P. O'Malley provides an overview of the USCCB's Eucharistic Revival and discusses how the Mass should not only be integral to the life of the parish, but also in our everyday lives.
What is the Mass? with Susan M. Timoney
May 11th, 2022 | Season 16 | 43 mins 40 secs
amber casey, ave explores, ave maria press, deacon greg kandra, emily stimpson chapman, fr, fr. ajani gibson, fr. joshua whitfield, fr. michael white, fr. patrick briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, mark hart, op, paula huston, shannon wimp schmidt, susan timoney, the mass, tim grumbach, timothy p. o'malley, tom corcoran
In this episode, theologian Susan M. Timoney discusses the history and structure of the Mass. She will help you understand why worship at the altar is the most essential form of prayer for believers.
Why the Mass Matters with Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P.
May 4th, 2022 | Season 16 | 40 mins 53 secs
ave explores, ave maria press, fr. patrick mary briscoe, katie prejean mcgrady, op, why the mass matters
Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP, says the Mass is important because it is there that we stand at the foot of the Cross and are transformed. It's also the place where we meet in community with fellow Catholics.