Ave Explores

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

233 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.

  • Made for More with Leah Darrow

    August 18th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  57 mins 25 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, katie prejean mcgrady, leah darrow, made for more

    Leah Darrow, a speaker, author, Season 2 contestant on America’s Next Top Model, and founder of Lux U, shares about her struggles with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, “mom guilt,” balance, and explores ways one can find peace and strength through spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation, regularly attending daily Mass, and “recalibrating” one’s routine.

  • The Universal Church with Cardinal Napier

    August 11th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  56 mins 34 secs

    Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, archbishop of Durban in South Africa, discusses the Church's global diversity, which is rooted in love of Jesus Christ. Napier, who went to seminary in Ireland, also talks about the early days of his priesthood during apartheid in South Africa and eventually voting in the conclaves that elected Popes Benedict XVI and Francis.

  • Science is a Mission Field with Chris Baglow

    August 4th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  31 mins 30 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, christopher t. baglow, faith and science, mcgrath institute for church life, notre dame

    Christopher T. Baglow, director of the science and religion initiative at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, discusses how faith and science approach truth. He says that by exploring science with the eyes of faith and approaching faith with a desire to understand science, the Church can evangelize in new ways.

  • At the Foot of the Cross with Leticia Ochoa Adams

    July 28th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  34 mins 52 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, faith, grief after suicide, hope, katie prejean mcgrady, leticia ochoa adams, mary

    Katie Prejean McGrady visits with Leticia Ochoa Adams, a wife, mom, and speaker from Texas, who shares about grief, hope, and faith following the suicide of her son and how we can look to Mary as mother and comforter during the darkest days.

  • Helping Teens Be Mentally Healthy with Roy Petitfils

    July 21st, 2021  |  Season 11  |  53 mins 9 secs
    anxiety, ave explores, ave maria press, depression, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, roy petitfils, suicide, teens, young people

    Roy Petitfils returns to join Katie Prejean McGrady to talk about crises teenagers face today and how to have honest conversations about mental health.

  • Ending Racism in America with Fr. Josh Johnson and Sr. Josephine Garret, CSFN

    July 14th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  1 hr 13 mins
    advocate for change, ave explores, ave maria press, black catholics, csfn, fr. joshua johnson, racism, rosary for racial repentance, sin of racism, sr. josephine garrett

    Fr. Joshua Johnson and Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, share their experiences as Black Catholics, discuss why racism is sinful, and explore how Catholics are called to advocate for change.

  • Broken Saints for Broken People with Meg Hunter-Kilmer

    July 7th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  49 mins 54 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, catholic saints, holy men and women, katie prejean mcgrady, meg hunter-kilmer, overcoming challenges, pray for us, saints, stories

    Meg Hunter-Kilmer, author of the forthcoming Pray for Us, loves to tell stories of the saints, especially those who are not as well known. She shares how growing close to holy men and women has helped her to love Christ more. Hunter-Kilmer says each saint she’s grown close to has been a unique match during particular challenges in her life.

  • The Stuff of Our Faith with Mike Aquilina

    June 30th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  35 mins 31 secs
    a history of the church in 100 object, ave explores, ave maria press, basilica, catholic history. sacraments, catholicism, mike aquilina

    Mike Aquilina, bestselling and award-winning author of A History of the Church in 100 Objects, relates how Catholics are a sacramental people, and objects such as the chains of St. Peter and the dome of the basilica named for him are significant to our understanding of faith. Aquilina also shares how ancient locations central to Christianity’s early development have helped him grow his love for the Lord.

  • The Power of Healing with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT and Fr. John Burns

    June 23rd, 2021  |  Season 11  |  55 mins 42 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, catholicism, forgiveness, fr. john burns, healing, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, solt, sr. miriam james heidland, summer playlist

    Popular Catholic speakers and authors Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, and Fr. John Burns join Katie Prejean McGrady to talk about forgiveness and healing.

  • Mary and the Pears with Jeannie Gaffigan

    June 16th, 2021  |  Season 11  |  35 mins 45 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, comedy, faith, jeannie gaffigan, jim gaffigan, katie prejean mcgrady, mary, pears, tumors, when life gives you pears

    Katie talks with Jeannie Gaffigan, director, producer, comedy writer, mom of five, and wife of Jim Gaffigan.