Ave Explores

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

220 episodes of Ave Explores since the first episode, which aired on September 28th, 2019.

  • The Way of Beauty with Andrew Petiprin

    April 8th, 2020  |  Season 4  |  36 mins 8 secs
    andrew petiprin, ave explores, ave maria press, katie prejean mcgrady, way of beauty, word on fire

    Andrew Petiprin, fellow of popular culture at the Word on Fire Institute, explains how beauty and Catholic art and architecture can lead us to a deeper faith and understanding of the truth. A convert to Catholicism, Petiprin shares his conversion story, highlighting how the way of beauty ultimately led him to Catholicism and a life committed to evangelization through art, music, film, and pop culture.

  • Holy Week with Fr. John Burns

    April 7th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  1 hr 2 mins
    ave maria press, catholicism, fr. john burns, holy week, katie prejean mcgrady, quarantine, triduum

    How can we more fully enter into the celebration of Triduum and Easter, the holiest days of the Church year? Fr. John Burns, author of Lift Up Your Heart, explains the liturgies for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday and offers ways we can experience these sacred days at home, even with public masses suspended because of COVID-19.

  • Helping Teens through Quarantine with Roy Petitfils

    April 2nd, 2020  |  Season 2  |  16 mins 56 secs
    ave maria press, balance, catholic, coronavirus, covid-19, faith, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, pandemic, routine, roy petitfils, stability, teens

    Catholic psychotherapist Roy Petitfils talks with Katie Prejean McGrady about how to help teens find structure and rhythm in the midst of anxiety and uncertainty. As schools shift to online learning, colleges close, and teens and young adults are at home, Petitfils will tell you how to help them process what's happening, live with their anxious feelings, and maintain a sense of normalcy.

  • Suffering goes Hand in Hand with Joy with Mary Lenaburg

    March 31st, 2020  |  Season 3  |  39 mins 38 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, bravery, catholicism, coronavirus, faith, joy, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, mary lenaburg, suffering

    Mary Lenaburg, author of Be Brave in the Scared: How I Learned to Trust God during the Most Difficult Days of My Life, talks with Katie Prejean McGrady about how suffering and joy go hand-in-hand, especially during Lent. With a heart for hospitality, Lenaburg shares how her family joyfully lives life while always celebrating the memory of her daughter Courtney.

  • Being Honest and Grateful, with Sr. Miriam James Heidland

    March 26th, 2020  |  Season 2  |  13 mins 24 secs
    anxiety, ave maria press, catholic, covid-19, honesty, hope, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, pandemic, prayer, quarantine, sr. miriam

    Sr. Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T., Catholic speaker and author of Loved as I Am, explains that social distancing is an opportunity for us to see that God is inviting us to slow down and be grateful for all the things he has given us. She tells Katie Prejean McGrady that when faced with times of solitude and quiet, we’re called to honestly face our feelings and past hurts.

  • Our Mental Health Reboot

    March 25th, 2020  |  Season 2  |  5 mins 6 secs
    ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, coronavirus, faith, mental health, quarantine, shelter in place

    Ave Maria Press wants to help with a new Ave Explores podcast mini-series that focuses on mental health. Host Katie Prejean McGrady revisits some of our panel of stress, anxiety, and mental health experts to help you cope. Leah Darrow, Roy Petitfils, Tommy Tighe, Scott Weeman, and Sr. Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T., will help you end up mentally and spiritually stronger on the other side of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Our Common Humanity with Joyce Rupp

    March 24th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  32 mins 32 secs
    ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, coronavirus, covid-19, faith, joyce rupp, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, lenten sacrifice, pandemic

    Joyce Rupp, author of Jesus: Friend of My Soul, shares how the season of Lent is an invitation to love other people in more intentional ways, just as Jesus loves us. Rupp also relates how the COVID-19 crisis is a chance to be more aware of our common humanity, seeing Christ in each person we encounter.

  • Lent is a Launchpad with Tommy McGrady

    March 17th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  32 mins 9 secs
    almsgiving, ave maria press, catholic, catholic teens, catholicism, faith, fasting, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, lenten sacrifice, prayer, teenagers, teens, tommy mcgrady

    Tommy McGrady and Katie Prejean McGrady, coauthors of Lent: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, discuss how young people can fully invest in the season of Lent. McGrady shares how fasting, prayer, and almsgiving can be the foundation of a fruitful spiritual life for teenagers long after Lent is complete.

  • What God Wants us to Do with Joel Stepanek

    March 10th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  30 mins 23 secs
    ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, faith, humble, humility, joel stepanek, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, life teen, sacrifice

    Joel Stepanek, author of Chasing Humility: 8 Ways to Shape a Christian Heart, joins Katie Prejean McGrady to discuss how Lent can be fruitful if we pay attention to what God wants us to do with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Humility is the golden thread that ties together these Lenten practices.

  • Carrying Your Cross with Emily DeArdo

    March 3rd, 2020  |  Season 3  |  38 mins 4 secs
    ave maria press, catholicism, cystic fibrosis, emily deardo, faith, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, memento mori, stations of the cross, the cross

    Emily DeArdo, author of Living Memento Mori: My Journey through the Stations of the Cross talks with Katie Prejean McGrady about her battle with cystic fibrosis and how it deeply affects her friendships, family life, and faith. Emily shares how carrying this cross helped her gain new insights into how to walk through any desert, especially the forty days of Lent.

  • You Can't Mess Up Lent with Gary Zimak

    February 25th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  25 mins 23 secs
    anxiety, ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, faith, fast, gary zimak, give alms, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, prayer, stress, worry

    Gary Zimak, “worry” expert and author of Give Up Worry for Lent! 40 Days to Finding Peace in Christ, chats with Katie Prejean McGrady about how to avoid becoming over scrupulous and reassures us that we can’t really ruin the forty days of Lent if we keep our priorities straight.

  • Giving Up Starts with Giving with Deacon Greg Kandra

    February 18th, 2020  |  Season 3  |  24 mins 53 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, faith, katie prejean mcgrady, lent, lenten miniseries, the deacon's bench

    Deacon Greg Kandra talks with Katie Prejean McGrady about how the practice up giving up something in Lent actually starts with giving. Kandra also shares insights into the Lenten devotional Daily Devotions for Lent 2020 and what he’s going to focus on doing during Lent this year.

  • The Power of Healing with Sister Miriam James Heidland & Fr. John Burns

    February 4th, 2020  |  Season 2  |  54 mins 45 secs
    ave maria press, catholic, catholicism, comfort, faith, forgiveness, fr. john, healing, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, peace, sister miriam

    Catholic authors and speakers Sr. Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T., and Fr. John Burns talk about the basic need everyone has to seek healing. Whether it’s from wounds, slights, or deep and long-lasting trauma, the need for healing is directly tied to living a mentally healthy life. Our conversation explores ways to rest in the healing power of God’s mercy, forgiveness, and love.

  • Finding Hope in the Midst of Loss with Tommy Tighe

    January 28th, 2020  |  Season 2  |  58 mins 9 secs
    ave explores, ave maria press, catholicism, faith, grief, healing, katie prejean mcgrady, loss, mental health, tommy tighe

    Tommy Tighe is a counselor, author, and podcast and TV host, but he would tell you his most important title is husband and father. In this episode, Tighe shares about the struggle of losing a child and how he, his wife, and their four other sons have lived with their grief, maintained their faith. and remained mentally healthy.

  • Helping Teens be Mentally Healthy with Roy Petitfils

    January 21st, 2020  |  Season 2  |  50 mins 27 secs
    anxiety, ave maria press, catholicism, depression, faith, healing, hope, katie prejean mcgrady, mental health, roy petitfils, stress, teens

    Roy Petitfils counsels teenagers struggling with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and stress. In this episode, he gives an overview of what teens are facing, how screens and social media are influencing teenagers and their mental health today, and how all of us can have open and fruitful conversations about mental health challenges.

  • Give Up Worry with Gary Zimak

    January 14th, 2020  |  Season 2  |  36 mins 32 secs
    anxiety, ave explores, ave maria press, catholicism, faith, gary zimak, katie prejean mcgrady, stress, worry

    Catholic speaker, author, and "worry expert” Gary Zimak discusses what it’s like to live with anxiety, and helps explain ways chronic worriers can find peace, comfort, and relinquish control to Jesus.