Lent Teaser: Finding Fulfillment: Comedian Shayne Smith’s Journey to Catholicism Through Lent

February 26th, 2025 · 51 mins 34 secs

About this Episode

Comedian Shayne Smith had everything he thought would make him happy—success, wealth, and recognition—but still felt deeply unfulfilled. His search for meaning led him to a church, where he encountered Christ and Our Lady for the first time and embraced Catholicism. In this episode of Ave Explores, Shayne shares how his first Lent, spent journeying through RCIA with a group of women in Brooklyn, became a crash course in what it truly means to live the faith. Through the sacrifices and lessons of the Lenten season, he discovered that Catholicism isn’t always easy—but it’s always worth it.

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Editing provided by Forte Catholic (https://www.fortecatholic.com/)

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